Every day my relationship with food becomes healthier.
I am learning and using the mental, emotional, and spiritual skills for success.
I am willing to change!
I appreciate my body.
It’s exciting to discover my unique food and exercise system for weight loss.
I am delighted to be the ideal weight for me.
It’s easy for me to follow a healthy food plan.
I choose to embrace thoughts of confidence in my ability to make positive changes in my life.
It feels good to move my body. Exercise is fun!
I use deep breathing to help me relax and handle stress.
I am a good person.
I deserve to be at my ideal weight.
I am a lovable person.
I deserve love.
It is safe for me to lose weight.
I am a strong presence in the world at my lower weight.
I accept and enjoy my sexuality.
It’s OK to feel sensuous.
My metabolism is excellent.
Check out my Facebook page and follow me on Instagram
Need help with your affirmations for weight loss or another challenging life situation? Schedule a 45 minute intro session for just $59. Click here.